Imports and sells products

for the pharmaceutical industry and cleanrooms throughout South America

We are CWS Abroad

CWS Abroad aims to reduce customs, transportation and storage costs, facilitating the import process for our customers. CWS also enables customers to import directly and can consolidate shipments, thus eliminating the need and cost of performing many different processes, simplifying business negotiation and reducing the time required to contact different companies. With a highly skilled team, combined with 20 years of experience in the market, CWS ABROAD promptly prepares and streamlines the documentation process according to the required requirements for the freight method, while providing complete support in various locations in Latin America and the United States.

Imports and sells products for the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, and laboratory sectors, as well as for veterinary, cosmetics, the environment, and hospitals. We sell reference standards, chromatographic columns, laboratory equipment and materials, products for cleanrooms, chemical indicators, biological indicators, meters and samplers.

Extensive logistics system

With our extensive experience in the industry, we understand the challenges of working with large and small companies, ensuring that contracts and logistics solutions are developed to meet customer needs.

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