
High-Quality Analytical Standards
Through direct interactions with customers and experience in the latest scientific and regulatory standards, the portfolio of reference materials can be quickly adapted to meet any need, with a commitment to providing reliable solutions. Backed by over 40 years of experience in pesticide analysis.

Solid Materials
Dr. Ehrenstorfer’s portfolio includes a variety of approximately 1,700 pesticides and metabolites, including compounds that are difficult to obtain elsewhere:

– Organophosphates
– Organochlorines
– Carbamates
– Pyrethroids
– Neonicotinoids
– Ammonium pesticides
– Toxaphene congeners
– Stable Isotopes
– LC/MS and GC/MS have been routinely adopted for pesticide analysis. Dr. Ehrenstorfer offers a wide range of over 300 pesticide standards labeled with stable isotopes, providing the most suitable standard for any analysis.

Reference Standards for Environmental and Food Analysis
Dr. Ehrenstorfer is a global leader in standards for pesticides and pharmaceutical and veterinary compounds, related to composite foods, dyes, and food packaging contaminants, offering various formats, including pure, single, and multicomponen