Standards Reference
primidone (BP 293)
Synonyms: Primidone, 5-Ethyl-5-phenyldihydropyrimidine-4,6(1H,5H)-dione, 4,6(1H,5H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5-ethyldihydro-5-phenyl- (6CI,8CI,9CI), 2-Deoxyphenobarbital, 2-Desoxyphenobarbital, 5-Ethyl-5-phenylhexahydropyrimidine-4,6-dione, 5-Ethyldihydro-5-phenyl-4,6(1H,5H)-pyrimidinedione, 5-Ethylhexahydro-5-phenylpyrimidine-4,6-dione, 5-Phenyl-5-ethyl-hexahydropyrimidine-4,6-dione, Hexamidine, Hexamidine (antiepileptic), Hexamydin, Lepimidin, Liskantin, Milepsin, Misodine, Misolyne, Mizodin, Mizolin, Mylepsin, Mysedon, Mysoline, NSC 41701, Neurosyn, Primaclone, Primacone, Primakton, Primidon, Pyrimidone Medi-pets, Resimatil, Roe 101, Sertan
EP Description: API Family: Primidone
Product code:
BP 293
CAS Number:
Product Categories:
British Pharmacopoeia Reference Standard
Product Format:
100 mg
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