Standards Reference

(S)-N-Nitroso Anabasine (1.0 mg/mL in Methanol) (TRC-KIT0580-1ML)
Sinônimos: 3-[(2S)-1-Nitroso-2-piperidinyl]pyridine, Pyridine, 3-[(2S)-1-nitroso-2-piperidinyl]-, N'-Nitrosoanabasine, (S)-N-Nitroso Anabasine, NAB, N-Nitrosoanabasine, (S)-N'-Nitrosoanabasine, Anabasine, 1-nitroso- (8CI), 1-Nitrosoanabasine,(S)-N-Nitrosoanabasine, Pyridine, 3-(1-nitroso-2-piperidinyl)-, (S)-
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Product Categories:
Carcinogens Nitrosamines Smoking-related substances Stimulants TRC
Product Types:
Impurity Metabolite
Formato do Produto:
Single Solution
Fórmula Molecular:
C10 H13 N3 O
Peso Molecular:
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