Healthy use of herbicides refers to the responsible, conscious, and minimal use of pesticides to control pests in agricultural or domestic settings, minimizing harmful effects on human health, non-target species, and the environment. Below are some practices for the healthy use of herbicides:

Targeted Application:

  1. Only use pesticides intended to kill dangerous pests when absolutely necessary and with precision. Avoid using all at once. Choose the least hazardous pesticides that will still successfully control pests. Use the appropriate dosage of the insecticide;
  2. Excessive use of pesticides can result in insect resistance because more is not always better;
  3. Implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices that prioritize prevention and monitoring over pesticide use. This includes the application of biological controls, enhanced hygiene, habitat modification, and other cultural controls;
  4. Apply insecticides when they are most effective, using them at the right time. This often occurs at a specific point in the pest’s life cycle;
  5. Pesticides should be stored safely and disposed of properly to prevent unintended human exposure or environmental contamination.

Education and Training:

  1. Those who apply pesticides should receive proper instruction and education on safe use and associated hazards;
  2. During handling and application of herbicides, use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);

Environmental Considerations:

Consider potential effects on the ecosystem as a whole and work to avoid damage to beneficial insects, especially bees, wildlife, and water systems; Observe all regional, national, international, and local legislation governing pesticide use.

“A healthy use of pesticides” is a dynamic process that adapts to changes in insect populations, the introduction of new and safer pesticides, improvements in alternative pest control methods, as well as our growing awareness of the effects of pesticides on human health and the environment.

Healthy use of herbicides and geopolitical settings

With events like the war in Ukraine and Covid lockdowns in China, producers are turning to unfamiliar suppliers for raw materials and intermediates. In the LGC Group, the top priority is ensuring food and environmental safety through reliable analytical testing, supported by the use of high-quality reference materials. Our latest newsletter highlights the latest news and releases from Dr. Ehrenstorfer, hoping that you’ll find the perfect reference standard for your needs.

A heritage in pesticides, a history of supporting the Agro sector

Dr. Ehrenstorfer was founded with the needs of our customers in mind. In 1975, we recognized a gap in the pesticide reference materials market that German laboratories required to meet new testing regulations. As a result, we became the first to produce them. For over 50 years, we have remained committed to quality and innovation, with a clear focus on developing the analytical tools needed for our customers to excel in their work.

Interesting Insecticides – Reference materials for tiacloprid and thionazin

For over 45 years, Dr. Ehrenstorfer has continuously adapted and expanded the pesticide portfolio to keep up with changes in laws, regulations, technology, and quality requirements, ensuring the supply of the latest products that meet the specific needs of the global agricultural sector. This month, we are proud to announce the launch of two ISO 17025-accredited standards that will aid in the detection of the insecticides tiacloprid and thionazin, both banned in many parts of the world.

In the European Union, the use of the neonicotinoid pesticide tiacloprid was supposed to have ceased by last February due to concerns about its impact on bee populations and human health. However, its use is still allowed in certain fruits and vegetables in America, albeit with tolerances ranging from 0.05 to 1.0 parts per billion, generating some controversy. Meanwhile, thionazin, a human neurotoxic organophosphate insecticide, is no longer approved for use in either the US or the EU.

The pesticide properties database states that it is “considered obsolete but may be available in some countries.” Regular testing of food, water, soil, and the environment is essential to support official bans and limits on toxic substances. ISO-accredited reference standards are designed to help laboratories detect and quantify harmful substances, ensuring safety and compliance with regulations.

Healthy use of herbicides: Nicossulfuron and Fluometuron standards

Nicosulfuron is used to control weeds in corn and sorghum crops and is approved for use in the US and the European Union. However, its classification as a persistent and toxic substance in Europe means it’s also on the EU’s substitution list. To aid in analysis, Dr. Ehrenstorfer is launching a deuterium-labeled nicosulfuron reference material that serves as an internal standard for quantifying the analyte in milk by LC-MS/MS.

The benefit of using stable isotope-labeled compounds as standards is their near-identical nature to the target analyte, except for a few isotopically labeled atoms. We have also developed a single solution reference standard of ISO 17034 grade for fluometuron, a grass control pesticide that has been used in cotton and sugarcane in America since the 1960s.

Although now legally allowed only in cotton crops in the US and approved for use in three EU countries, it is still essential to verify its concentration in food and the environment, considering its confirmed harmful effects and dangerous classification by various governments and environmental authorities.

CWS Abroad serves research and analysis laboratories across South America with the import of reference materials. Contact us today for a quote on reference standards.